This essay is about the struggles people are willing to go through to enjoy a life of freedom, equality and stability.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
People are willing to go through an immense amount of struggles to enjoy a life of freedom, equality and stability. So far in this class, we have learned about many different people and the struggles that they have went through to ensure this freedom and stability. Women and immigrants, for instance, have went through many trials and tribulations to try to get this life of freedom, equality and stability. The main role of colonial women …

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…and endured it. Even today we have many immigrants still fighting for their rights in the United States Gathering all these facts, I have reached a conclusion that people are willing to go through the tasks and trials to enable them to at least an appreciable life to their expectation. People will continue, even in the days of the present and the days of the future to ensure their right to freedom, equality, and stability.