This essay is about the foreing policies that the u.s. has towards third world countries and how the CIA is involved.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
It's correct to identify that there is a pattern to U.S. foreign policies towards 3rd world countries. By examining some of the actions, military and non military, one can see that, whenever it comes to its own economical interest, the U.S. will be involved directly or indirectly. To really understand foreign main policies objectives towards 3rd world countries, one has to narrow it down to two main objectives, sanctions that are designed to …

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…democracies around the world. "These are the men who have been stirring the pot around the world to instigate these wars on the side of the Right-wing. And that's the group we are dealing with right here - who're making war around the world for their own personal profit." - Daniel Sheehan Bibliography Dorrel, Frank. "What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third World" video/book.