This essay is about the catcher in the rye. This is sort of a bookreport about the book.

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Holden reactions with other characters is a unique one. When Holden hears about stradlater's date he starts asking him a lot of questions because he knows the girl stradlater is going on a date with. He tells stradlater how he used to play checkers with her but stradlater doesn't care. Stradlater asks Holden if he could do an English paper for him. Holden is kind of angry because stradlater is going out with Holden's old …

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…with Allie who he admires. Then stradlater starts talking about the date and starts taunting Holden about Jane. Holden gets mad and flips on stradlater but stradlater doesn't allow Holden to hurt him. Holden still has feelings for Jane. We see that Holden doesn't like when stradlater talks bad about Jane because he still likes her. He is mad that stradlater gets a chance to sleep with her even though he doesn't even know her.