This essay is about the Greek God of Art, Apollo. This goes into detail about the life and times of Apollo and what he encountered along the way.

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Greek myth is comprised of many Gods and Goddesses and the stories of how they came to be and of their life stories. One God that caught my eye was Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, was associated with many aspects of life in the time of the Greek gods. He was the God of reason and intelligence, music (the lyre), prophecy, medicine and the sun.Apollo is in many respects the model of …

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…it was purple, to honor his fallen friend. Now every year a festival is held in his name, the Hyancinthia. Throughout mythology, stories of these gods get distorted and changed. This makes it very difficult to get to the real depiction of what really happened during the Protogeometric and Geometric all the way through the Roman periods in ancient Greek History. The stories of Apollo, though numerous, are still very difficult to follow and interpret.