This essay is about racial profiling. I am comparing two different essays written by two authors and there views on racial profiling.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
On September 11, 2001, 19 Arab terrorists killed more than three thousand Americans. If they were checked and singled out by the airline maybe it could have prevented this attack from happening. There wasn't that much racial profiling before September 11 and this is what happened. Everyone blamed the airlines for not enough security and such. But if they were checked this attack might have been prevented, but it would be considered racial profiling. When you step on an …

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…is unfair t to question people of only Muslim descent. Kahn brings up the argument of the liberties guaranteed by the U.S. constitution. Chavez would answer when other people lives are in danger your liberties are sometimes violated not because they don't like your race but because terrorist attacks on the United States have been by people from Muslim descent. This is the only way to keep the United States more secure from terrorism.