This essay is about how people stereotype and the reality is that the different cultures are becoming more "Americanized" which is contradicting the stereotypying of different races.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
America is a big puzzle where all the states are connected and the pieces fit together perfectly, forming one nation, but internally stereotyping occurs and creates barriers amongst people of different race, class, and culture. By defining an individual based on his or her race or ethnicity, one is grouping them into different categories, thereby stereotyping them. Stereotyping creates these imaginary boundaries that separate the people of different cultures. However, race and ethnicity are not …

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…be spoken is only spoken at home, if at all. All the little things that Americans do seem to eventually replace what we feel were important in our culture and then there comes a point where there is not enough room for one to practice both cultures fully. So instead of choosing to follow ones old tradition, one must move on with society and into the 21st century, where they will incorporate the American ideals.