This essay is about how in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet's revenge wasn't an act on himself

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Essay Database > Literature
In Hamlet, Shakespeare uses revenge as a major theme present throughout the work. Revenge plays a crucial role in the development of Fortinbras, Prince of Norway, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, and Laertes, son of Polonius. All three men seek revenge for the murder of their fathers. Revenge can be interpreted as a separate character in Hamlet. Revenge is set to overcome anyone who seeks it. Initially, after each of the murders, every son had a …

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…to King Claudius he brings death upon both of them. Laertes did not think his sword would be used against him. In the end, the men's fate was determined not only by their own feelings, but by the actions taken under the command of another person. For Hamlet and Laertes successful revenge led them to death. The guidance he received, as well as, inner strength surmounted Fortinbras' need for revenge and led him to happiness.