This essay is about an excert called "Speeches that Satisfy" by Jane Tully and talks about the nessesary techneqes that one would need to become a sussesful speechwriter.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Many speechwriters would say that it is very difficult to keep an audience focused and entertained during a speech. When performing a speech there are a number of important details about an audience that one must know in preparation of performing a speech. When a speechwriter knows these details he must prepare a speech that has some relationship to the audience. This will help a speech writer grab the attention of the audience and keep …

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…one become a good speechwriter. By using this information it will help a speechwriter by reinforcing his idea, not drifting off to other ideas and facts that are not on topic, and using a topic that is best fit for your audience. By sticking to the three techniques the audience will focus more and pay more attention to the speechwriter. The techniques will also reinforce the idea and send a much clearer and understandable message.