This essay is about Romeo and Juliet and how they risked each others lifes to be with each other it has scene by scene

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Romeo and Juliet The fault for Romeo and Juliet's death is no one else but Romeo himself. He brought his irresponsibility and impulsiveness amongst himself. When Romeo sees Juliet at the Capulet's household he falls deeply in love with Juliet. The thing is that there is no such thing as love at first sight. You can fall in love with the semblance appearance, but that's not every thing. Looks help but what counts is what's …

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…of them would have died. Romeo falls in love with Juliet the first night he saw her. He falls in love with her outside appearance, not her inside. That's not true love. Then he goes and marries her without anybody knowing. That's just being irresponsible and foolish. Then he kills Tybalt without even thinking about the consequences. If he would have thought things out in a more settle way, death would have not taken place.