This essay is about Kurt Cobain. Not necessarily his life and death, but more so what he means to music in general.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Kurt Cobain, a familiar name, yet quite an unfamiliar story. Even without knowing his story, many people can recognize that Kurt Cobain is a true musician, writer, and in my opinion, he is a true genius. From his enigmatic lyrics, to the way he carried himself, you could tell on first glance that there was something special about Kurt Cobain. His anti-celebrity show was more than just a facade, it was his whole outlook on …

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…was a musician. He was on the stage to play, he wanted himself heard more than anything else. Kurt Cobain truly changed music as it is today. He changed it from being a money-making scam to being a way to express yourself, to relieve the stress that comes with every day you spend on this earth. Kurt Cobain was truly a genius in every aspect, and without his songs, I think music would be lost.