This essay is about Jewish immigration. It is told in a series of diary entries and is very detailed.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
This journal was passed down from many generations ago. It is still not sure who exactly wrote this journal but all that it known for sure is that this young woman was a Jewish immigrant. In this journal you will find out about real life events that happened more than 100 years ago. This diary has been translated to English from Russian. My Diary April 10th 1890 I have been planning this trip to Castle Clinton for …

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…had heard it was. I write to my family at home but it is not the same as them being right there beside me. I just close my eyes and imagine my family sitting with each other in our own home in America and a smile comes across my face. I think my immigration to America was for the better. Maybe some day Jews will be able to live in Russia in peace without fear.