This essay is about Edgar Allan Poe's life and his works and how they are related. Since he lived an extraordinary life including so many deaths, it certainly affected his works.

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Essay Database > Literature
Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe's writings were enormously affected by his chaotic life involving death after death around him. His obsession with "death" results in writing many mysteries or stories involved with murder, disease, suicide, etc. Some of his writings are very astonishing and sometimes even lunatic, but it is not even close to his life experience. There were ten important people in his life that either died or left Poe abruptly. These catastrophes …

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…Even though he was a proud man not showing much weakness, he begged God to save his soul. He probably knew that he was insane regularly and in his writings, but he probably let himself express his tragedies to the world as a revenge for his terrible life. That may be one of the reasons why he didn't commit suicide. If one were depressed as much as Poe, they would usually choose death over living.