This essay is a reflection of aggression about people's behavior and what caused it

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Reflection of Aggression People usually relate the behavior of others to their internal dispositions or to their external situations. A dispositional attribution pertains to the personality of a certain person, whereas a situational attribution pertains to the environmental conditions around an event. For example, if a child was bullying another, it could be considered a dispositional attribution because the kid is just naturally a bully and he has a low self-esteem, or it could be …

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…needs a person to blame an event on. Also, a person can take out their aggression on another person when it is caused by their inability to achieve a certain goal. This is called the frustration-aggression principle. No matter what the reason, bullying or making fun of someone is not the solution to a problem. Things should be thought out and considered before drastic action is taken against a certain person, or group of people.