This essay is a paper that states the "setting" of the story and shows how the setting affected the plot and what happens in the story.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Jack London's Freezing Setting Turns Man Into Human Popsicle In the story "To Build a Fire", by Jack London, the reader is shown how harsh the landscape is in the Yukon, and how it can affect a lone traveler. The author shows the empty, lonely, and dangerous terrain affecting the attitude of the main character; the man. This setting of the story has made the man go from cocky, to a little wary, to terrified …

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…might actually cool you off. The only real concern the man would have had in this setting would probably have been sunscreen. The environment affected the man's chance of survival, the attitude that he had about the situations he found himself in, and the outcome of the story. Works Cited London, Jack, "To Build a Fire." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 8th ed. Kennedy XJ, and Dana Gioia. New York: Longman, 2002. 117-128.