This essay is a comparison between the books Animal FArm and Lord of the Flies.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Book Essay: Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies In 1887 Lord Acton wrote in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It has often been noted that this is the primary theme in both Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies. In addition, these books share two sub-themes related to this primary theme. One sub-theme is that people will often abuse power when it's not earned. The …

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…used to represent evil) in its pristine state, that even in all this savagery and evil some good may occur. Right after he realized this, a ship pulled up and rescued the boys. The themes of both books are true to the dark side of human nature. Golding holds out a tiny thread of hope; Orwell lets us see the bad things that could happen and leaves us to figure out how to prevent them.