This essay is a biography of James Michael Curley (Mayor of Boston) from many sources. It tells about his background, in office life, and post office life.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
James Michael Curley There has never been a mayor like James Michael Curley. He was one of the greatest political figures ever, and at the same time, was the one of the worst. He dramatically improved the City of Boston and the lives of the people in it. His accomplishments were as great as any mayor of any city in the country. At the same time, as a politician, he took money for his own …

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…way he knew how. For all the wrong things he did, he was still a great man. Bibliography "Curley, James Michael." Discovery Channel. Internet. World Wide Web. December 2001 "Curley, James Michael." Internet. World Wide Web. 1999. "Curley" The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography. 1973. 215-216. Russel, Francis. "James Michael Curley: The Last of the Bosses." American Heritage. June 1959: 21-25,85-90.