This essay has to do with Off-Road Trails all over the world for 4x4 vehicles.

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Mud, Rain, Dirt, Cliffs, Hills and Rocks are just a few of the obstacles off-road racers face. There are many different types of tracks and this is what makes off-road racing such an exciting sport. According to McMenamin, one of the best off-road destinations in the U.S. is Death Valley National Park. He also states that overseas in Baja, Mexico is where some of the most popular off-road races are held; "With Terrain ranging …

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…shocks, lift kits, a performance steering box, a 600 horsepower V-8 diesel engine. Off Road Racing is not an easy sport it is not only expensive but can be very physically demanding. Racers travel 1000 miles, day and night with no sleep in the Baja 1000. Off-Road Racing is not something that everyone is cut out for, but if you want to eat, sleep, and drink mud and pounds of heavy rocks, Off-Road Racing is definetley for you.