This essay explores the true nature of the American Revolution. What is really a true revolution? or a conservative cahnge in leadership.

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Essay Database > History
The American Revolution is sometimes called the "historical oxymoron" (essay,p1) because people look at it as not a total revolution, but more of a conservative change in power in the new world. The colonial Americans fought England for control of the land they lived in and to run things their own way, but after a brief period of anarchy under the Articles of Confederation, America was being run by a very similar system that …

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…revolution that were later used in the American system of government were: Parliaments right to tax, interest in self wealth out of government, and the right of a king to rule a country. Because the Americans resorted back to the same type of government they had rebelled against, they American Revolution is called a conservative revolution, where the main difference of before and after the revolution was just different people ruling in the same way.