This essay explores the difference between appearence and reality in Shakespeare's play "Othello", focusing on the character of Iago.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
In "Othello", by William Shakespeare, the character of Iago cleverly and skilfully alters the appearance of reality within certain characters' minds that are clouded by emotion. While Iago does deceive both Cassio and Roderigo, the most vulnerable character to Iago's treachery appears to be Othello. By being a good director and manipulator, Iago carries out his plan to exploit Othello's mental weakness' almost flawlessly. Iago's ability to bend and sometimes replace the truth with his …

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…finally prove Desdemona a whore. As a result of Iago's deceptions, at the end of the tragedy Othello many of the characters are dead, including Othello, Desdemona, Emilia, Iago, and Rodregio. Shakespeare highlights that there is a clear distinction between illusion and reality in many of his characters, with the great contrast of Iago who seems trustworthy and is all but, and Othello who seems unsure of himself, and others, but has a pure heart.