This essay explains the friendship progression between Jim and Huck in The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn.

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At the beginning of the novel, Jim and Huck's relationship was much different than from when they were working and traveling together. There are many examples of how they were not very close at the beginning, even though Jim was Miss Watson's slave and Miss Watson was helping the widow Douglas "sivilize" (p. 13) Huck. The first time we meet Jim, it is when Huck sneaks out to go meet Tom Sawyer and the "Band of …

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…is when Huck goes away from the Grangerford's and finds Jim in the woods. Huck says in narration, "It was Jim's voice - nothing ever sounded so good before. ... and Jim he grabbed me and hugged me, he was so glad to see me." (p. 134). In summary, the relationship between Huck and Jim has changed from being acquaintances at the beginning of the novel to being good friends that can share stories, chores, and emotions.