This essay discusses the second amendment right to bear arms. It also has a cited source at the end
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Second Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms
Do the Second Amendment and/or the Ninth Amendment acknowledge an unconditional right to keep and bear arms? The answer is both yes and no.
The controversy of the Second Amendment exists because, erroneously, some have insisted that the right to keep and bear arms is a state (as in Ohio, Texas, Florida) right and not an individual right. However, it is clear that the first clause, "A
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and absolute right for all citizens. While on the other hand, non-citizens do not have an absolute right to a firearm - however temporary that condition might be. The American ruling class (also known as voters), if it so desires, can change the definition of citizen or establish any restrictions it wants on guns -- but only by amending the Constitution. Klein, Chuck. "What the Second Amendment Says." Cincinnati Enquirer. March 28, 2001. pg B7. Cincinnati, Ohio.
and absolute right for all citizens. While on the other hand, non-citizens do not have an absolute right to a firearm - however temporary that condition might be. The American ruling class (also known as voters), if it so desires, can change the definition of citizen or establish any restrictions it wants on guns -- but only by amending the Constitution. Klein, Chuck. "What the Second Amendment Says." Cincinnati Enquirer. March 28, 2001. pg B7. Cincinnati, Ohio.