This essay discusses the question of ethics when it pertains to taking part in a war.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Can an ethical individual take part in a war? Turning this question around in my mind, trying to think of it in a critical manner, and researching others' thoughts on the matter, I have concluded that there cannot be a true and valid answer to this question. To take part in a war in which you will be in battle leads to killing, violence, the end of life. To take life, I believe that you …

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…country other than America. I love this country. Would I go to war for it? If America were on the brink of devastation and the only way to save this place that I call home was for me to go to war and fight for it, then yes, I would fight. But am I going to go kill some Arabs so that I can put gas in my car? I doubt that that justifies death.