This essay discusses the importance and effects of the potato throughout history, both positive and negative. Economy, politics, folklore and much more are talked about in detail.

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Essay Database > History > European History
"My idea of heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it with", Oprah Winfrey once said. Though meaning to be humorous, Oprah's statement truly summarizes the effect and influence of the potato on world history as we know it. Additionally, it shows what an intricate part the potatoes plays in the past, present and future of the human race. Opposing these positive aspects, many negative aspects exist as well, which deserve …

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…to what has been stated above, the potato has had a wonderful effect on history. Even though there are costs along with the benefits, the potato continues to offer us a large amount of our necessary vitamin intake, springboards societies to create new technology, and also relates to many societal and religious rituals. Potatoes are a vital part of our society and provide many benefits for us, which by far outweigh the costs mentioned above.