This essay discusses the impact of technological advances and immigration during the industrial age. This was an exercise used to prepare for the U.S. History A.P. exam.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Impact of Technology and Immigration on Industrial Workers The technological innovations and the influx of immigrants in the nineteenth century affected industrial workers' work conditions and their lifestyles. Job security changed for the Americans. With the influx of immigrants, high-paying jobs became scarce and resentment twoards immigrants grew. Technology also turned workers into pieces of the Industrial Machine. They were now dispensable, and replaced quickly by immigrant workers. More and more Americans, faced with …

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…rural living; yet, it also too away job opportunities as machines became the human betters. Immigrants posed as threats to the workers' job security as many took on Americans' jobs. Workers had realized their strains in the cost of living and rose against their employers. These examples of the industrial workers' struggle show how their lives were greatly affected by the advancements in technology and the influx of immigrants in search of a better life.