This essay describes how the cold war started. Long term and short term causes.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
The Origins of the Cold War Some historians who have gone over the Cold war still believe that it was one of many of American's hostility or, at least, political stupidity, but I have learned that "Traditional view lays the responsibility on the USSR (soviet Union)" . This is when I try to consider the validity of each view of the two sides so I don't write to dominate. The Cold War, started in 1945 and first …

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…Soviet Union in 1991. Intrinsically, this Cold War was a tense political period between the Democratic and Communist blocs, the East and the West, and most importantly, the United States and the Soviet Union. Although this period has now come to an end, many disputes have been raised concerning the initial conference at Yalta near the end of the Second World War, and the actual causes of the Cold War tensions involving Communist and American aggression.