This essay describes fear, one of the most inexplicable human emotions.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The sum of all fears Fear is an emotion that is embedded with in all of us. No one knows the essence of fear, it is what it is...intangible. The strongest of men fall to the mercy of fear, consuming the mind, and blocking all rational judgment. Fear lies unawakened in the dark recesses of the soul, only to be awoke by the treacheries of the unknown. Fear manifests itself in many ways, the …

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…left. I fear that this is what will be the end of my being, pain, the structure less form. In conclusion, fear and pain are one in the same. Never ending, nor caring who or what it strikes down. The key, I think, is acceptance...learn to accept that fear is inevitable, and pain comes bearing no gifts. So live your life on your own terms, if you don't, fear will live it for you.