This essay compares the views of booker t washington and DU bois.

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Prop 54 is a California constitutional initiative that will come before voters in the next statewide election, currently scheduled for October 7, 2003. The point that will be targeted are health care, school reforms, law enforcement, last but not civil rights. Prop 54 is a Racial Privacy Initiative this is a banning racial preference in state admissions, hiring and public contracting. Being the latest initiative designed to change the way Californians think about race. Proposition 54, lead by UC Regent …

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…prove in courts the discrimination done to the victim. So being identified by race is important if justification is required. Overall Proposition 54 will not result in a colorblind society because people will still generalize and identify by race. And maybe discrimination might increase. This proposition isn't that useful in many ways to society it just adds to having more difficulties in running the society. Racism can never disappear as long as 'races' are still recognized.