This essay compares the treatment of women in the novel Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood), and the country Afghanistan.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Story of Gilead: Fact or Fiction In the year 2003, many people can not comprehend the historical implications of women's rights in the United States. It has been over a generation since women's movements toward equality tore down the barriers between men and women in the United States. Few people actually remember that up until 1919, women were not even allowed to vote in an election. Many people who live in the United States, might read The …

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…up rise of fundamentalists who used the problem of dangerously low birthrates to gain power. It seems as though Margaret Atwood taken the society of Afghanistan, and wrote a fictional account of the woman's life, she envisions in Afghanistan. The resemblances are uncanny. Few people can imagine how life is like in such a repressive country (before the war in Afghanistan 2001-present), and Margaret might be on the right track to open the world's eyes.