This essay compares the teachings of Muhammad and Jesus.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Both Jesus' and Muhammad's social climates were integral to their later teachings. While Muhammad was born in Mecca within the Quaraish tribe; a well respected tribe that had maintained dominance in the area for some time and whose job it was to reconstruct the Ka'ba, Jesus was born into a poor family of Jewish political refuges. I believe that the high respect Muhammad was born with was integral in allowing him the freedom pursue him …

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…aid in the completion of the proposed social order. Jesus, in contrast, seems to test even his carefully selected disciples to make sure they are up for the arduous task of spreading the gospel in a time of great persecution. Both systems were equally effective in the spread of each leader's word, but appeal to different types of people. Each teaching seems to compliment ad complete the other rather than clashing or even matching it.