This essay aims to explore the Elizabethan perception of the unnaturalness of the marriage between Othello and Desdemona in the Shakespeare play Othello

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Jas Mudher English Mrs. Southwell 27/10/00 This essay aims to explore the Elizabethan perception of the 'unnaturalness' of the marriage between Desdemona and Othello, through the eyes of William Shakespeare. The most obvious, and conspicuous issue that would emphasise the theme of unnaturalness would be the topic of race. Othello was a black Moor, portrayed throughout the play as a 'black ram' and 'beast with two backs' or simply as 'The Moor.' Shakespeare accentuates the …

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…they would think so. Circumstances were different; the slave trade had just begun and most of the audiences did not understand the implications of true, meaningful love. This was because most marriages were made for convenience not for love. If they had not experienced love then it is comprehensible that they would not understand it. In the same state of affairs, I would have thought it unnatural, too. Bibliography Harbage "a critical analysis of Othello"