This essay, "1920s vs 1960s", writen in AABB format, deals with the comparison of; general statistics, fashion styles of both men & women, music, & controversial issues.

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1920's vs. 1960's Over the past century, people living in the United States have experienced many changes. As the times change, so do the people. In the 1920's, people acted differently then compared to the people in the 1960's. Yet, they both have one thing in common; they shaped our history. In the 1920's, about 106,521,537 people inhabited the United States. It was a rough period in our history, with about 2,132,000 people unemployed and murder, swindles, …

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…period of women rebelling in both their style of dress and their social actions. This era was filled with changes as was the 1960's. The hippie movement which included drugs and rock and roll did not effect the country as much as some of the things did in the 1920's, but all the changes that did occur in both eras shaped our history and paved the way for new things to come in the future.