This esay is about Coca-Cola as an American symbol. It describes how Coke fits into American society as a symbol of various things.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Coca-Cola: The American Symbol An Atlanta druggist, named Dr. John Stith Pemberton, invented a substance called "Coca-Cola" syrup on May 8, 1886. As the years progressed, this drink came to be known as Coke and its sales started booming. Slowly this drink, whose colors are red and white, eased its way into American society and culture, and it would become a symbol of America, here and abroad. Advertisements are the most straightforward insight into Coke's status as …

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…is a deeply ingrained part of American society, culture, and life. Coca-Cola represents America to anyone who is thirsty and reaches for an ice-cold glass filled with it. Bibliography Schaeffer, Randy, and Bill Bateman. 1995. Coca-Cola. Running Press Book Publishers, PA, pp. 12-32 Roy, David. Feb. 6, 1999. "Coca-Cola History and Collecting." (long-time collector but not an expert) Tom. "Tom's Coca-Cola Gallery." (resource of ad pictures)