This book report on "The modern Temper: The American Culture and Society in the 1920s" by Lynn Dumenil summarizes the content of the book and praises Dumenil on her unique insight of this period.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In Lynn Dumenil's account of the era commonly referred to as the "roaring twenties" in The Modern Temper: American Culture and Society in the 1920s there is an intentional emphasis placed on the effort to dispel the popular notion that the new, revolutionary transformations in culture and society that took place at this time in history were direct results of the First World War. In the stead of this less insightful means of analyzing the 1920…

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…formed in the temper of the twenties. She accomplishes this by accurately capturing the fire of this explosive era and by documenting the various cultural and political changes taking place to give greater clarity as to the influence these events had on our society. While accomplishing this end, a deliberate emphasis is placed on presenting ideas that transcend the basic ideology about the cause and effects of the events that transpired during the roaring twenties.