This a book report on the Ghost of Tsavo and discusses how there is possible two types of lions in Africa

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
The book I read, was Ghosts of Tsavo. The book is about a group of lions in Africa that are a little abnormal compared to the other lions in Africa. Philip Caputo, a sixty-year-old lion enthusiast, writes the book. The book really tells the story of about three people?s adventures with lions in Africa. The main one that is focused on is Caputo?s. Even though in my opinion his is the most boring …

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…extent that it is. The only questions that comes to mind after reading is where are the other books about the first two guys who actually had something interesting going on in their life. Caputo?s time in Africa was boring. The most excitement he was has jump starting a Land Rover. I want to know the titles of the books about Patterson and Hosek. They had a lot more entertaining time with the lions.