This I consider my masterpiece of the year - I spent 2 hours writing this paper that was due the next day 11 a.m. and I got a B-! Yahooy! Oh yeah, I call it "Incest in Literature".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Fall of the House of Usher and The Rocking-Horse Winner <Tab/>D.H. Lawrence, author of The Rocking-Horse Winner, grew up in a blue collar family only to disregard his past and become a prolific writer. Most of his fiction, specifically The Rocking-Horse Winner, is about characters caught between their unsatisfactory relationships with others and their struggle to break free. Edgar Allen Poe, author of The Fall of the House …

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…to begin with, even though the mother states that they come from the poorer branch of the family, they still have enough money for toys and a nurse. Or in The Fall of the House of Usher, Usher itself is an ancient bloodline that is synonymous with aristocracy. Simply, incest is found in literature among those who are on the "higher end" of society; those of upper-class have differing tastes from those of the lower-classes.