This Essay was assigned for my honors class and has to explain the stories irriversible decision and their consequences.

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A View From the Bridge is about the dramatic life of a family in Brooklyn. Arthur Miller at first makes life seem simple and easy in their little home. Eddie is the compassionate uncle who cares for his niece and his wife Beatrice. Like anyone that lives together Eddie and Catherine have their small fights and disagreements but, usually work things out together. For instance Eddie says " I don't want to be a pest but …

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…life. Eddie never told anyone his true feeling for Catherine he just kept it from everyone. His love for her is shown in jealousy through out the book. Alfieri illustrates that he is saddened by Eddies death and that he understands that Eddie is only trying to care for his niece but, Eddie didn't handle the situation wisely. Alfieri says it best when he says " And so I mourn him-I admit- with a certain... alarm.".