This Essay is based on detailed facts on Cancer.
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
New Treatments for Cancer
Cancer is becoming a larger problem every year. More and more people get cancer early in life. Recent statistics show that men have a 1-in-2 lifetime risk to develop a cancer. For women this risk is 1-in-3. The last few decades, cancer has started to reach epidemic proportions. Just ask around: You'll be astonished by the large numbers of people that have gotten cancer (or have already died). Then ask your
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It does not have to be complex. A double helix is not a complex concept. It just has to be the single correct theory identified in a sea of less correct ones. He can only hope that this is such a theory and will result in a dramatic improvement in the treatment of cancer. Specifically, he hopes it will encourage large supplement producing/marketing companies to formulate products that will help to accomplish this goal.
It does not have to be complex. A double helix is not a complex concept. It just has to be the single correct theory identified in a sea of less correct ones. He can only hope that this is such a theory and will result in a dramatic improvement in the treatment of cancer. Specifically, he hopes it will encourage large supplement producing/marketing companies to formulate products that will help to accomplish this goal.