This Essay is about Why The Death Penalty should be used more in our society. IT contains statistics, facts, and figures having to do with capital punishment. I got a 94%

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
Why The Death Penalty Should Be Used More On April 9, 2001, police in Leitchfield, Kentucky were called to Bratcher's Flea Market to report the discovery of the body of an infant. A septic tank worker had been pumping out the women's outhouse when his vacuum hose became stuck. When the man pulled the hose out of the toilet, the body of a male human infant was attached to the hose by the buttocks. An autopsy showed …

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…it is the best deterrent America employs against murder, it saves our country money, and most importantly, it guarantees that a murderer will not have the chance to kill again. America works itself into a frenzy about a convicted murderer's right to life, but seem to have forgotten the rights of the innocent victim who was killed, making their deaths mere numbers on a newspaper page. Would you want the lady from Kansas to live?