This Essay deals with the Civil Rights movement. It talks about events that define that era.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Essay 1 The events described on pages 249-259 in "The U.S.A. Since 1945" fit the era very well. The main points presented in these chapters were the black resistance and rebellion in peaceful and violent ways. Examples of peaceful protests are Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat, and the March on Washington. However, violent protests, such as the Birmingham Demonstration, existed as well. These events fit the era of the 60s and …

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…This tells us that people would do anything to stop the Civil Rights movement. As illustrated later in history, Martin Luther King would be assassinated, thus the plan to remove him from leader of the black protests would be successful. While Carmichael's essay describes the struggling black community during the 1960s-1970s, the FBI essay describes the resistance against Martin Luther King Jr. In conclusion, these essays define the era of the Civil Rights movement.