This ESsay is about Mario Andretti

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Mario Andretti Mario Andretti was born on Feb. 28, 1940, in Montona, Italy. Mario was the identical twin brother of Aldo Andretti. Born only months before Italy joined Germany in World War II Mario had a rather rough childhood. When the war ended Mario's town came under communist rule. From 1948 to 1955 his family lived in a refugee camp. Mario's family was very poor and had to work hard to get by. Racing was a part of Mario's …

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…a coffee-table book, go-kart tracks, car care products, and IMAX movie, video games, replica cars, a chain of gas stations and a distributorship. Throughout Mario's career he has proved himself to be one of the greatest race car drivers of all time. Through his example Andretti has been many young driver's racing idol. He has influenced many people to start up racing, become more dedicated, and to dream of the possibilities of a racing career.