This 6 page essay compares/summarizes the works of Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Douglas Adams.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Outdoors
High Fantasy Writers One common thread in all works of High Fantasy is the creation of a new world or worlds. This has been done by creating languages, modes of transportation, and different types of characters that are nonhuman. Additionally varied forms of animals have been created by the writers of high fantasy literature. Perhaps the most impressive High Fantasy creations are found in the works of Douglas Adams, Clive Staples Lewis, and John Ronald …

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…this massive saga, but in the end it was worth it. In the making of this story, Tolkien invented three whole languages, including rune alphabets, mythology for the cultures, and went into great detail in describing the different cultures themselves. *note: all information on space drives in Douglas Adam's books are from license Wikipedia uses grants free access to its content in the same sense as free software is licensed freely.)