"Things do not change, we do". Discuss this view in relation to your own ideas about the novel Things Fall Apart and the concept of 'changing self'.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The idea that "things do not change, we do" is incorrect. Although it can be the case at times, it is entirely inaccurate as the phrase "we do" in this view can be easily replaced by "circumstances". "Things" may not change, but circumstances, which we usually have no control over, certainly do change. Also, this view can be rearranged to state "things change, we don't", showing that people may be resistant to change. The main …

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…things do not change, we do" is entirely incorrect and inaccurate and these are my reasons to back it up. Circumstances may cause change, "things" around us may change, yet we may stay the same, and a change in circumstances may result in a change in "things". To come to this conclusion, one must analyse the novel in depth and discover why this viewpoint does not apply and what can be substituted in this place.