"Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the novel 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe, a society is presented to us, a society that has its faults and mistakes. Achebe creates a world of people who like us are human and make common mistakes. He explains the complexity of these people and how the colonization had affected their clan. His objective is not farther towards one side as to the other, yet in some occasions it may feel so. There is …

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…which in some ways surpasses that of the Christian religion. Through this comparison, the reader gets a further insight through the Igbo religion and culture. In conclusion, by introducing different types of characters, stereotypical and original, Achebe shows how any society has its good side and its bad. By using a third person angle, he creates a comparison between the two sides and shows that he does not favour one side more than the other.