Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe demonstrates Adaptability: The Study of Change in a Father/Son Relationship

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Anthony J. D'Angelo said, "Don't fear change, embrace it." This message is evident in the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Achebe is trying to convey the theme that change is inevitable and the people who cannot adapt will suffer. He shows contrasting sides of embracing change with the characters Okonkwo and Nwoye. Okonkwo is opposed to change and his inability to adapt to change eventually leads to his suicide. Nwoye, on the other …

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…their peace. D'Angelo's quote about change shows the difference between life and death in the novel. Nwoye is able to embrace the change and is better off in the end because of it. In contrast, Okonkwo is not able to embrace it and ultimately kills himself as a result. While death may not have been the right choice, Okonkwo shows just how much change can impact a society's people. * All references to Anchor Books 1994 Edition