Things Fall Apart book report

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe there's a man name Okonkwo . He is a type of man that fears weakness and failure. Okonkwo lives in Umuofia in the village of Iguedo with three wives and eight children in a large compound enclosed by a thick wall of red earth. His household points out his wealth and success that is widely known based on his personal achievements. When he …

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…Ikemefuna outside Umuofia he does not know the men were going to kill him till he gets the blow and Okonkwo "draws his machete and cuts him down"(61). As Okonkwo does so "he was afraid of being thought weak". (61). <Tab/>Overall Okonkwo's actions caused his life to fall apart by his own anger, accidental incidents, and the fear of becoming like his father that contributed to his suicide in the end.