"Things Fall Apart" - A.C. Achebe: Discuss the following topics in the book.

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Setting The story takes place in the 1890s in the lower Nigerian villages, Iguedo and Mbanta in particular. It portrays the clash between Nigeria's white colonial government and the traditional culture of the indigenous Ibo people. The Role of Women Women are expected to obey their husbands. Achebe shows that the Ibo assign important roles to women. For instance, women painted the houses of the egwugwu (Achebe, 1986:84). Women are the primary educators of children. Through …

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…of physical strength and bravery very highly. The issue of 'masculinity' or 'male power' is one of the main themes in this novel. Okonkwo is particularly concerned with this and this concern influences most of his decisions and ways of his behaviour. Bibliography * Achebe, C. 1986. Things Fall Apart. Johannesburg: Heinemann Publishers (Pty) Ltd. * De Jager, L. 2004. Departmental Notes - Things Fall Apart. * Parmer, E. 1972. An Introduction to the African Novel. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.