"They Shall Inherit The Earth" by Morley Callaghan

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At some point in life, we will all experience the loss of innocence. This loss is not a choice but an eventuality. In the novel 'They Shall Inherit the Earth', Michael Aikenhead, Andrew Aikenhead and Dave Choate have all experienced this loss of innocence in different ways, but mainly through the perspective of others. Morley Callaghan in 'They Shall Inherit the Earth' demonstrates the loss of innocence through -the actions and conflicts between the characters …

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…in the novel. Michael Aikenhead, Andrew Aikenhead and Dave Choate have all experienced this loss of innocence in their own unique ways. The loss of innocence is not a positive change in life. In many cases, the loss of innocence in an individual initiates a chain of negative events that not only effect that individual, but effects others as well. - 4 - Bibliography 1. Callaghan, Morley. They Shall Inherit the Earth. Ontario: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1984