Thesis: Othello and Caesar were both strong leaders betrayed by those close to them for political reasons

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Shakespeare Essay We've all been there before. You've all placed your trust in the words and actions of someone close to you. And what do they do? They betray you. It's rarely justified, and can happen to the best of men. Fortunately, most of us have been betrayed in small ways, such as someone talking about you behind your back, or telling a lie. Julius Caesar and Othello, however, were betrayed on a much larger …

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…have received different fates. This however would have provided an uneventful play. Othello and Julius Caesar, though men of honor, were betrayed by the people they trusted most and suffered differently from the treason. When I was younger, my parents watched "The X-Files" almost every evening. The last phrase of the opening credits seems very appropriate when it comes to these plays. "Trust No One". If only Julius Caesar and Othello would have read that.............