These are studynotes for Ch. 39 of the American Pageant. NOTE: the notes are meant for review. Sounds obvious but some do not understand that.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
THE STORMY SIXTIES 1960'S a sex revolution, civil rights rev and the emergence of a youth culture. The Vietnam war and feminism. KENNEDY'S "NEW FRONTIER SPIRIT" -The attorney general, Robert Kennedy, set out to recast the priorities of the FBI which deployed nearly a 1000 agents on "internal security" but targeted only a dozen against organized crime and gave almost no attention to civil rights violations. His efforts were resisted by Edgar Hoover who had served …

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…to the war. -Eugene Mc Carthy; 1968 Democratic presidential nomination. McCarthy gathered antiwar college students as campaign workers. In addition to this Robert Kennedy threw his hat into the ring. -Johnson announced that he would not run for president thus allowing negotiations for peace in Vietnam since he proposed gradually shifting more responsibility to the Vietnamese themselves. THE PRESIDENTIAL SWEEPSTAKES OF 1968 -Hubert Humphrey: J.'s vice-pres. and supported J.'s policies. He was pro-war w/vietnam