These are study notes for United States History. They can be used to study for final exams. These notes contain information on The Colonial period through Union times.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Ch 1 & 2 Review 1. Reformation- Religious movement in the 16th century Europe, reform the catholic church. 2. joint stock company- Business in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose. 3. Jamestown- First colony established by John Smith. 4. indentured servants-People that came to the new world in exchange of the passage, they agreed to a limited term of servitude. 5. House of Burgesses- Virginia's colonial legislature. 6. Pilgrims- Group of people that fled from Holland and built the Plymouth …

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…. 14. Sharecropping-Landowners divided land & gave each household a few acres, seeds, tools. 15. tenant farming-Rent land for cash. 16. crop lien system- 17. vagrancy laws- 18. Ku Klux Klan- Southern group that wanted to destroy the Democratic Party & prevent African Americans from exercising their political rights. 19. Election of 1876-Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio nominated for presidency against Democrat Samuel J. Tilden of New York. 20. Compromise of 1876- the withdraw of federal troops from Louisiana and South Carolina.